About my loves...

My first love...ANDREW.

One of my favorite stories to tell is how we met.  "And one time at bandcamp...I met my future husband."  True story.  We have been together since the beginning of my junior year in high school and Lord willing (for He is my GREATEST love) and the creek don't rise we will be together for a lot longer.  I graduated HS in 2003 which brings me to...

My second love...JAYHAWKS.

Andrew and I went to school at the University of Kansas.  Experience of a lifetime.  I wouldn't trade those 5 years for anything.  Met my bestie my freshman year in the dorms (1002 was the best view of campus) and we have been inseparable ever since.  Well unless you count the 300 miles currently separating us.  The 300 miles is due to...


Truthfully my third was around way before my first, but we are sticking to a story line here.  Andrew and I moved back to "home" after his graduation in May of 2008.  We have a little and what I think is cute home that we moved straight into.  And after our wedding in July of 2008, he got to move in too!  I really do love Edwardsville.  I love being close to my family.  And I am seriously learning to LOVE my job.  At first it was just something I had to do because we have a house and bills, but now I am enjoying going to work everyday.  Well somedays I would much rather stay home because of...

My fourth and bestest lil love...LITTLE LOTTE.

Andrew and I had a wicked awesome Halloween party in 2008 and our party favor was a little bun in the oven!  It happened quicker than we were expecting, but we couldn't be any happier.  And everyday since she has arrived our joy increases exponentially!  She is my inspiration.  I want to be so many things for her, her mother, her role model, her friend (notice how that is not first on my list), her sewing teacher, her story teller, her shopping buddy, her ever steady shoulder to lean on...I could go on forever.  Because of her I want to make everything in my life pretty.

And then there is my surprise little love...BROTHER.

We found out we were pregnant with Mister Man the day after Lotte's first birthday.  After the LONGEST gestation in the history of pregnancy, Brother made his way into the world in late February 2011.  He was a pain in my ribs, back, bladder, and everything else; but I am so happy that he is finally here.  He is so snuggly, and is Lotte's current favorite (hopefully it stays that way for a long time).

CREATING is another of my loves.  I have always had an affinity for making things.  I hate being called crafty...but alas, that is the best word to describe it.  I like making things look pretty, making things better than when I first bought them, making things mainly because "why in the heck would I pay 12 bucks for that when I can make it myself for around 5?".

I love this idea about a blog because I can document and explore these passions.  I can create things and type them in and come back to it a year and a half later and say remember when I did that.  I can get inspiration from all the incredible women that are doing the very same thing I am doing now only 100s of miles away.  The internet is a goose-bumpy place when you really think about it.

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